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Kai Elea Boggess-de Bruin

Centering, Grounding & Transformational Coach

Connect to your Higher Self, discover your divine pathwork, and align your life and work to achieve your personal and life goals.


Kai Boggess-de Bruin

Your divine pathwork is waiting for you. Contact me to schedule a consultation to begin your transformational  journey. 


Centering, Grounding
& Transformation

When life throws a curve ball towards you, or you just feel an overall sense of needing more in your life, this could be the Divine gently encouraging you to re-envision your pathwork. This may be a great time to reconnect or strengthen your relationship with your Higher Self.  You may need to reaffirm your goals and develop new skills to get back on track, or you may need to explore something new in your personal or professional life.  In either case, transformational coaching is a supportive process that helps you explore your goals in life and develop a roadmap to get there.  

This journey offers the perfect opportunity to deepen your inner experience and learn skills to settle into awareness and connection. The path to becoming centered and grounded involves exploring mindfulness and meditation practices and learning practical ways to integrate them into daily life. This pathwork helps people learn how life works for them, not against them and teaches them how to allow their dreams to unfold by envisioning their perfect future. 


The coaching process is designed to help people move beyond what they believe they can do and realize their goals using strengths as foundational tools.  It is designed for clients who look forward to the journey of change.  This is often a challenging process; however, the results can be life-changing, personally and professionally. 


Clients who do this work find that they are more settled and able to focus. They are connected with their inner self to find solutions to daily problems and generally report feeling more happy and fulfilled. If you are ready to begin your journey in embracing your authentic and divine self, I would be honored to be a part of your process.

Join our Community

Welcome to a spiritual community that comes together to connect with others seeking something more in their lives. This is a diverse and affirming group of people who explore various spiritual topics and engage in discussions promoting self-awareness and understanding.  These are interactive sessions that include guided meditation, intuitive messages, presentations on various healing modalities and spiritual concepts, and more. 


Join a group of open, light-minded, and committed people who take time to slow down, breathe, connect energetically, and grow spiritually. 

In-person sessions are held quarterly and virtual meetings are held in-between.  Contact us here or by emailing for more information.


A Different Way

Today one of my colleagues sent a beautiful email to her staff about the Warrior we all have inside when we experience life challenges. Read more about it on Medium.

Who Would I Be Without Them?
What would it feel like to give up the parts of me that have been my companions for most of my adult life? Read more about it on Medium.

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